
Customer Testimonials

Delivering Quality Driver Training since 1963 means we've received a lot of glowing testimonials over the years and far too many to include here.  But please take a look at some of the latest comments from our happy customers browse more on Facebook and our Google Reviews.

Benefit from our years of experience and our excellent reputation for service and reliability.  

Neil and Ruth have put their name on training vehicles.

We are proud to deliver consistently high results and providing a quality service and achieving excellent reputation

Isn't it  good to know the people behind the website, and to know who you talking to on the phone, and who's arranging your training. 

See what our clients have been saying
  • Augusto

    Passed my practical first time and also the following CPC theory and practical tests.If someone asks me where to go for a truck licence, my answer is 1000 times Wallace School of Transport.They care for you as if you were family. That counts more than anything

  • Stuart

    Would just like to say thank for your help and great training after what I went through with losing my money though hgv express Wallace really help with a very quick service and a very good service and would like to say a big thank you to James what a brilliant instructor he is had a great three days training and help me pass my test the first time. So a very big thank you to you all at Wallace

  • Ben

    I would like to thank you and your company for helping me successfully pass both the C1 and D1 driving courses in just two weeks. My success was down to instructor Paul Murphy and I would like to make you aware of the fantastic work he does. Paul was my instructor for both courses and I have no doubt that he was the key to me becoming able to pass both examinations. Paul was friendly, easy going and approachable but at the same time very professional. It was clear that he had vast driving knowledge and was able to teach me the skills I needed in relation to driving both PCV and LGV category vehicles.

  • Ben

    I completed my training with Wallace school of transport yesterday and passed my C test. I just wanted to drop you a quick email. To let you know how impressed I was with your company and especially my instructor John O'Connor, I am sure you are aware of the asset you have with him. I found his training method second to none, he is a true professional and it was lovely to meet someone with such passion for their industry and career. I will be highly recommending you.

  • Martyn

    On Sunday I took part in the driver development training with Adrian violet at Enfield. I would just like to say how much of a nice guy Adrian is and is a true ambassador of your company. Adrian was very professional and friendly and has great patience. Adrian is a real credit to you thank you very much and kind regards.

  • Sunil

    Wallace School of Transport is my future choice when considering driver training for my employee’s. I will also use your services to meet my operator’s health and safety compliance obligations with your pre-employment and driver refresher training checks.

  • A.Vallerius

    The vehicle provided for my Class C driving lessons and test stayed the same throughout, allowing me to become very familiar with it and easing some of the stress of the test day. The vehicle in question an Auto gearbox, 14 plate DAF LF was always spotless inside and out and I felt a great sense of pride whilst driving it.

  • Andre Loizo

    My trainer Krishna was amazing, and continuously gave support and advice to improve my driving. His professionalism and experience in driving helped me build confidence and improve my knowledge with such a large vehicle. I am almost certain he is the reason I passed on my first attempt. Thank you, and thank him for helping gain new skills,

  • Brigitta Lovick,

    I have found everything very efficient, well organised at all times.I mainly dealt with John in the office, who was very patient with me explaining all the ins and outs, so even I can get my head around it! My last instructor was Terry ( Enfield) and his training was absolutely amazing. He cares for his students and wants them to succeed. He put forth all the effort from his part . I enjoyed every minute of it. I highly recommend Wallace for anybody who wishes to further their career by gaining more entitlements on their licence.